
Susan Mannion

Official Launch of ‘Under Darkening Skies’ – a permanent artwork for the Ballycroy Visitor Centre

Press release 23 June 2022 The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage are delighted to announce the official launch of ‘Under Darkening Skies’ a public art commission by the visual artist Susan Mannion at the Ballycroy Visitor Centre at Wild Nephin National Park. The artwork was

Official Launch of ‘Under Darkening Skies’ – a permanent artwork for the Ballycroy Visitor Centre Read More »

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Women in Dark Skies

Join us for the second episode in our “Women in Dark Skies” series. We are delighted to welcome Dani Robertson, Dark Sky Officer from Snowdonia Dark Sky Reserve. You may have seen Dani recently on the BBC’s Countryfile programme giving a wonderful explanation of Dark Sky Lighting for rural areas. Dani is a leading advocate

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Women in Dark Skies

Our new series of web talks “Women in Dark Skies” starts appropriately on St Brigid’s Day. Our first speaker of the year is Dajana Bjelarac, Founder of “Carpe Noctem” in Serbia – an NGO established to tackle environmental light pollution. Dajana’s talk is titled “Defending the dark skies with resourcesfulness and creativity” Join Us from

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