
Guest Collage

Mayo Dark Sky Festival – Theme: Astronomy & Space

Moving out of this world…. from angels and demons to photons and quarks…we cannot wait to hear from Brother Guy Consolmagno SJ – Director of the Vatican Observatory and co-author of the classic astronomy book (with Dan Davis) “Turn Left at Orion”. Brother Guy will be presenting his talk on “Catholic” Cosmologies in Newport on Sunday afternoon.  […]

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Dark Sky Festival Collage

Mayo Dark Sky Festival – Theme: Arts & Culture

Astrophotography is the focus of our gallery exhibit at Ballycroy Visitor Centre, and we are delighted to welcome the return of Chasseurs de Nuits with the Award winning collection of works from the Photo Nightscape Competition. Chasseur de Nuits exhibition is kindly sponsored by the Embassy of France and joins the existing exhibition of talented astrophotographers Aisling McGuire

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Newport Lighting Poster

Newport Lighting Project – Phased Implementation

Newport is considered the gateway town to Mayo Dark Sky Park and has been a community host town to Mayo Dark Sky Festival since its inception. The town is becoming known as a dark sky destination, attracting a growing number of international visitors in winter months, boosting the local tourism economy during the off-season. However, the growth of artificial

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Women in Dark Skies Event Poster

Women in Dark Skies – Guided Stargazing – a new activity for Nature Parks and Resorts

Guided Stargazing – a new activity for Nature Parks and Resorts ONLINE Event – 22nd September at 7pm (registration below).   We are delighted to welcome Etta Dannemann to our series of Women in Dark Skies talks.  In this talk, Etta Dannemann will talk about Guided Stargazing as a new activity for dark sky areas.

Women in Dark Skies – Guided Stargazing – a new activity for Nature Parks and Resorts Read More »

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