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Teddie Hwang Event Poster

Women in Dark Skies 2023 / Irish Astronomy Week – Teddie Hwang

Dark Sky and the Arts Women in Dark Skies – Teddie Hwang – 21st March 7pm (ONLINE EVENT ONLY) Part of Irish Astronomy Week Teddie is a historical flutist and photographer based in Mainz, Germany. Ever since being introduced to astrophotography in 2020, she has been fascinated and inspired by the night sky. In this

Women in Dark Skies 2023 / Irish Astronomy Week – Teddie Hwang Read More »

Brian Wilson Talk Poster

Brian Wilson Astrophotography Talk / Irish Astronomy Week

The Wonders of Mayo’s Night Sky Brian Wilson Astrophotographer  – 23rd March 8pm Part of Irish Astronomy Week We are delighted to welcome Brian Wilson back to Newport to talk about his amazing work as an Astrophotographer in Mayo for Irish Astronomy Week. Brian will introduce his work and experience of taking photos at night and

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