Light Pollution
There is no doubt that artificial lighting has its place in our world and is invaluable to our businesses, homes, roads and recreation. However, when used inappropriately or excessively, artificial lighting can cause light pollution. Many of us are not aware that light pollution has adverse effects on the environment, our health, wildlife, and climate (through energy waste).
Below you will find two links with guidelines and an infographic on reducing the impact of light pollution.
Mayo Dark Skies – Community Charter
Our vision is to protect the night skies for present and future generations by promoting responsible lighting in our communities that addresses energy efficient needs, yet is also kind to the environment, biodiversity and our wellbeing.
Here is the full Mayo Dark Skies Community Charter.
Rural Restorative Lighting Scheme
As part of a new initiative from the ACRES (Agricultural Climate Rural Environmental Scheme), called Rural Restorative Lighting, this document provides a list of suitable lighting guidelines and fixtures using examples provided by Dark Sky Ireland.
Mayo Dark Skies – Protect the Night footage
Informational trailer about the impact of light pollution in Ireland. Voice over kindly provided by Duncan Stewart of EcoEye, who is the Patron of Friends of Mayo Dark Skies community group. This is a community led project to raise awareness of the growing problem of light pollution in our daily lives.
Components of light pollution include:
Glare – excessive brightness that causes visual discomfort.
Skyglow – brightening of the night sky over inhabited areas, often an orange hue.
Obtrusive Light – light falling where it is not intended or needed.
Clutter – bright, confusing and excessive groupings of light.

Fortunately light pollution can be resolved easily and quickly. Here are some simple steps we can all take to avoid causing light pollution:
Simple steps to avoid causing light pollution:
Consider the area you intend to light only and do not fit unnecessary lights.
Do not use excessively bright lights, 300 or 500 watt bulbs are too powerful for domestic security lighting – 150 watt is more appropriate, saving money and energy.
When using LED lights, ensure the colour temperature (kelvin) does not exceed 2,700k as this has negative implications for wildlife and health matters. Ideally seek 2,200 or even lower if possible. This reduces glare and is more comfortable for those with light sensitivity.
Do not leave lights on when they are not needed, consider well fitted and directed sensors.
When aiming house lights make sure you only light the area needed and that light does not extend beyond the intended boundary.
Consider using lights with hoods or shields to avoid any unnecessary “uplight”.
Take care not to shine light onto other people’s properties or into windows – this can be very upsetting and a trigger complaints.
Check your own lighting at night periodically – is it lighting only what is intended?
By protecting areas of natural darkness and producing guidelines to reduce light pollution, we are helping ecosystems and wildlife, attracting off-season tourism, and reducing our carbon footprint.

What to do if light pollution affects you?
If you are concerned about light pollution coming from a neighbour, commercial premises or public building, often the best way to deal with the problem is to go straight to the source. People are often unaware that their lighting may be causing a disturbance.
For More information
Dark Sky Ireland
Guidelines for managing light pollution are available. Our community group “Friends of Mayo Dark Skies” is also happy to help with queries on lighting or monitoring areas of light pollution.
For information on dark skies and work carried out by Dark Sky International visit the Dark Sky Website.